

  O. Drobotiuk

  V. Monashova


One of the key levers for attracting foreign capital and realizing the export potential in developing countries is special economic zones, within which a favorable investment climate is ensured due to the special tax regime, preferences in financial support for export and innovative activities of companies – preferential lending rates, government financing. In the early 1980s, the Chinese government began to actively create special economic zones in coastal cities, which in the future ensured the influx of foreign capital, the development of industry, the creation of new jobs, rapid economic growth and improving the quality of life of the population. In 2006, the Chinese government initiated the creation of overseas economic zones to expand its own experience in industrialization and facilitate trade and economic cooperation with other countries of the world. In the modern “One Belt, One Road” Initiative, the development of overseas zones of economic and trade cooperation and overseas industrial parks is one of the new forms of partnership between China and host countries. The article is devoted to topical issues in the development of trade and economic relations between the PRC and developing countries. The work explores the experience of creating foreign special economic China in developing countries, in particular in the Republic of Belarus. An analysis is made of the economic development of the Republic of Belarus as a result of the creation of the China–Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park on its territory.

How to Cite

Drobotiuk, O., & Monashova, V. (2021). CHINA’S OVERSEAS SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES: EXPERIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Chinese Studies, (2), 29-37. Retrieved from
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China, special economic zones, industrial park, Great Stone, Belarus, economic development

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