

  D. Ilnytskyy

  S. Zinchenko


The paper investigates the development of domestic and foreign seaports in conditions of growth of global competition, expansion, implementation of aggressive policies and strategies by competitors. Terminal business always, especially now offers a faster and more guaranteed return of funds, greater return on invested capital. Currently, China owns port terminals in 34 countries and plans to purchase port terminals in 8 countries in the next 2–3 years. So China is going to become a leading maritime power, like England in the 19th century. In the course of the study, scientific and analytical works, strategies for the development of seaports in China and other countries were studied. The methodology of constructing competitive maps of the global port market, systematization of factors and generalization of modern methods for studying the patterns and features of the development of seaports were used. The analysis of competitive map revealed significant asymmetries in dynamics and size of market shares of countries in the world port market, which is the result of the implementation of unique national, regional and local strategies. On the example of China, we observe the key drivers of their development – the active use of public-private partnerships, scientific, educational and technological factors.

How to Cite

Ilnytskyy, D., & Zinchenko, S. (2021). PORT EXPANSION OF CHINA – LESSONS FOR UKRAINE. Chinese Studies, (1), 36-57. Retrieved from https://chinese-studies.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/116
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transport infrastructure, world port market, competitive map, economic effect, expansion, investments

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