

  O. Shevchenko


The article deals with the life of Ukrainians in Shanghai during the period of 1930– 1940. In the paper we attempt to identify and unify in separate list the representatives of Ukrainian community amongst all those nationalities that escaped from Russian Empire after the Revolution of 1917. For this, an attempt is made to analyze the social activity of Ukrainian community in Shanghai including its movements from the northern cities of China down to the south up to Philippines islands. The particular attention in the paper is paid to personalities with Ukrainian origin that contributed into architecture, culture and style of the modern Shanghai. The article includes also a list of those Ukrainians who lived in Shanghai during 1930–1940.

How to Cite

Shevchenko, O. (2021). UKRAINIANS IN SHANGHAI (1930–1940). Chinese Studies, (2), 73-98. Retrieved from
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Ukrainians, China, community, Shanghai, migration, social life

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