The author considers the causes of Confucianism updating in the modern times against the background of the historical evolution of Confucianism as a doctrine which influenced and continues influencing all the spheres of man’s life in China. It is shown in the article that the main value constituent of Confucianism is the establishment of significance of individual self-improvement for optimization of the society functioning. Such self-improvement is, first of all, achieved by means of the proper education. It is proved that the constitutive ideas of Confucian teaching and their value subject-matter have turned out to be in tune with the necessities of the modern society which has encountered the challenges of modernization and globalization. The author makes a conclusion that this fact made the Chinese government and then the scientists resort to the Confucian heritage at the end of the 20th century. This heritage was taken as a basis for the broad, radical and global policy of the Chinese state at present time, especially in its educational segment.
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Chinese policy, the period of “reforms and openness”, Confucianism, Moism, moral and ethical categories, core values
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