

  V. Ugwu


This paper evaluates the role and scope of Dependency Theory in current Sino- African relations. It goes further to assess and establish the fact of favoritism attached to current Sino-African relations by majority of African populace when compared to African relations with other major foreign actors in the continent. Africa is a continent endowed with profuse natural resources. Natural resources as industrial materials and capacities supplied by nature are meant to be processed and converted into economic resources which aids in continuous improvement of human living standards, social enhancement and economic and political independence. In the case of Africa, the contrary has for a protracted period of time been experienced. Reoccurring effects of Neo-colonialism demonstrated through unhealthy governance by corrupt ruling elite orchestrated by unending interference in African geo-political affairs by major foreign actors (governments) who are most concerned with achieving their strategic interests has led to widespread underdevelopment, social degradation, economic stagnation and political dependence of majority of African states. The paper concludes by proposing the implementation of the tenets of African Renaissance Theory by African countries in their relations with foreign actors in the continent. This theory model shares some similarity with Chinese strategies in its relations with African countries which respect the African heritage and allows Africans the choice of self-determination.

How to Cite

Ugwu, V. (2021). REEVALUATING DEPENCY THEORY IN SINO-AFRICAN RELATIONS. Chinese Studies, (1-2), 52-60. Retrieved from
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Africa, China, Dependency Theory, Modernization Theory, African Renaissance Theory, Development, Underdevelopment

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