

  L. Antoniuk

  N. Cherkas


The paper analyses world trends of fragmentation and networking of global production and trade. The countries of Asia and particulary China play a major role in this process due to high degree of integration and agglomeration of production. The theory of fragmentation including splitting the production into the blocks and service links were analyzed. The factors of integration of the countries into world value chains were determined. The reasons for economic growth slowdown of China in 2016 were reviewed. The directions of development and organization of the production in the form of networks and fragmentation of the production were determined.

How to Cite

Antoniuk, L., & Cherkas, N. (2021). FRAGMENTATION AND NETWORKING – KEY FACTORS OF CHINA’S LEADERSHIP IN GLOBAL TRADE. Chinese Studies, (1-2), 62-68. Retrieved from
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China, fragmentation, global networking, global value chains

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