

  Yue Wang


Euphemisms are one of the most important aspects in the field of linguistics, since they serve as a tool for verbal communication. The peculiarity of euphemisms is that they are used to create a courtesy effect and therefore consist exclusively of words that are positively perceived by a certain society. In this article, we study the examples of euphemisms in the Chinese national consciousness through comparing them with their analogues in other languages. The research is justified by the facilitation of communication between China and other countries, as well as by better understanding of the Chinese traditional culture that can result from study of the most frequent euphemisms in the Chinese language.

How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2021). EUPHEMISMS IN CHINESE LANGUAGES. Chinese Studies, (1-2), 110-114. Retrieved from
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Chinese mentality, euphemisms, intercultural communication, linguoculturology

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