

  S. A. Zaichenko


Relevance of research is determined by an observable deficiency of authoritative observations on the art of film translation en masse and Chinese cinema specifically. It is common knowledge that research issue is insufficiently explored in the post-Soviet space. Topic of the research is framed as follows: Specificity of translation techniques and strategies used when translating Chinese feature films. Apropos of this, the cult Chinese film director Tian Zhuangzhuang’s (田壮壮) famous movie called “The Blue Kite” (蓝风筝) is being analyzed. This movie requires comprehensive investigation, because it reflects socio-cultural and historical processes taking place in China during the 1950s and 60s. Object of research – Chinese feature film translation as a process of generating innovative ideas in the field of translation studies. Subject of research – grammatical, lexical and stylistic difficulties of translation of Tian Zhuangzhuang’s movie. Research target lies in disclosure, comprehensive analysis and systematization of linguistic and extra-linguistic aspects of translation of Chinese movies. Besides, this paper aims at analyzing specific translation strategies and techniques used during the translation process of “The Blue Kite” into Ukrainian. In order to come up to a reasonably sufficient conclusion, various socio-historical and cultural contributing factors must be considered. Additionally, present research employs a theoretical-experimental basis from the standpoint of a wide range of sciences: translation studies, ethno-linguistics, comparative linguistics and linguo-culturology. Results of research constitute a theoretical and practical foundation for a multiple-lens approach towards translation of Chinese films and for a comprehensive investigation of the art of film translation from an intercultural perspective. Besides, conclusions may be used in comparative linguistics, which is essential for strengthening the intercultural dialogue and enhancing mutual understanding between the two cultures.

How to Cite

Zaichenko, S. A. (2021). SPECIFICITY OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES USED WHEN TRANSLATING CHINESE FILMS. Chinese Studies, (1-2), 126-143. Retrieved from https://chinese-studies.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/173
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Chinese cinema, film translation, multidimensional, Tian Zhuangzhuang, translation techniques

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