

  V. Kiktenko


The article examines the updated official ideology of the CCP in the form of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The author analyzes the formation of Xi Jinping Thought, as well as their theoretical content and practical significance, based on the analysis of the official documents of the CCP. It was noted that the emergence of Xi Jinping Thought was caused by the need for a new ideological consensus to overcome the crisis in the CCP and the social and economic development of the PRC. It was analyzed in details the central concept of the renewed ideology (Chinese Dream), its components as the revival of the Chinese nation, socialist spiritual civilization, the community of the common destiny of mankind and the geo-economic initiative One Belt, One Road. It was noted that the Chinese Dream is aimed at consolidating Chinese society, expressing ideals and values within China, restoring China’s status as a world leader. It is shown that Xi Jinping’s ideas revived Maoism in China at a theoretical and practical level by strengthening the role of ideology in party leadership and government. This was caused by the need to further adaptation of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the new socio-economic and international conditions, which led to the return of the priority of politics over the economy and the restoration of the previously lost positions of the official ideology of the CCP in the style of Mao Zedong, but while maintaining the use of the ideas of premodern China, revived and transformed in a new political context. The article revealed the main provisions of the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy as a new ideological consensus of the CCP – the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist state, deepening of reforms in all-round way, rule of the country in accordance with the law in all respects, observance of strict party discipline in all-round way. In general, the China Dream and the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy, like the Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, the Socialist Harmonious Society, express the deepening of economic reforms combined with the conservative political authoritarianism. Thus, the new version of the official ideology in the form of Xi Jinping Thought pursue achieving the higher quality and more efficient, equitable and sustainable development; improvement and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics; modernizing the public administration system; aiming for more systematic, holistic and coordinated implementation of reforms.

How to Cite

Kiktenko, V. (2022). XI JINPING THOUGHT ON SOCIALISM WITH CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS FOR A NEW ERA: UPDATING THE OFFICIAL IDEOLOGY OF THE CCP. Chinese Studies, (4), 5-25. https://doi.org/10.51198/chinesest2021.04.005
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ideology, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, CCP, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, Xi Jinping Thought, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Chinese Dream, Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy

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