

  P. Nesenenko

  O. Artemenko


Currently, when developing its own successful course of development by certain countries, it is important to study the experience of reforms in modern China. From the end of the 19th century to the present day, the idea of development was formed in it, which later became known as the “theory of modernization”. Having come a long way since its inception in Europe, it was combined with the ideas of Chinese politicians and scholars, based on Marxism and the socialist path of development, and gradually turned into Sinicized Marxism as a powerful lever for the renovation of the country. Unfortunately, these achievements have been poorly studied even in China itself in terms of those internal springs that have provided a powerful upswing for the once underdeveloped country. Analysis of the reforms shows that they are primarily related to the observance and continuity of the theories of K. Marx, V.I. Lenin, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in search in practice of different approaches to the rise of China’s productive forces, which were then improved and actively used throughout the country. At the same time, the country’s success stemmed from the development of socialization forms from the simplest to the most complex ones, where the main strategic role has always belonged to its most important form, i.e. planning. Under these conditions, the market, on the one hand, played a role in raising the productive forces of labor, and on the other – regulating the proportions of social production where a large share of living labor was still retained. Actively using the experience of the Bolsheviks in gaining and maintaining political power, and then the restoration of the war-torn economy, China applied in economic practice the experience of the first regulated market in Soviet Russia, i.e. the NEP. At one time, Marxism, accepted by the Chinese intelligentsia, began to comprehend the country’s place in the world and the reforms that took place after Deng Xiaoping came to power. This politician used the logic of formation of socialization forms, and one of them, i.e. the regulated market, capturing its dialectical nature and the need to move away from the dogmatic perception of Marx’s doctrine, drawing attention to the need to use different economic forms and methods of transformation, involving large mass of people. Hence, modern Chinese reforms, in fact, proved to be the implementation in practice of a spontaneous dialectical approach to the implementation of problems that combine different forms and means, at first glance far from the traditional economy. In this sense, they correspond to the spirit of our time, i.e. globalization, absorbing all the best that has been achieved in the world, and adapted to the peculiarities of Chinese culture. Globalization has made the world visible, and successful methods of transformation in different countries available for study. Hence, the results of Chinese reforms have long gone beyond this country and allow all states to use them, taking into account their national specifics.

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economic reforms, Marxism, socialization, plan, planning, transitional economic forms, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, industrialization, Deng Xiaoping, Sinicized Marxism, modernization, Xi Jinping, Xiaokang, Datong, innovative type of development

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