

  S. Namestiuk


The article deals with the connection between cultural development and cross-cultural communications in the context of China – Europe. The work is aimed at leading a study of the literary effects of inculturation and the choice of strategies for the continental translocation of the collision about the Red Riding Hood to carry the truthful intercultural component. The purpose of this study is to examine the rapport between varieties of “Little Red Riding Hood” and the progression of European and Chinese moral ideologies. The newness of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the attendance of a collision about the little red riding hood in two cultures is measured in the context of Tehrani’s methodology via a phylogenetic approach to determine moral codes shared by the whole world. As a result of the investigation on the topic, the revelation of the historical narrative and the phylogenetic concept of Tehrani, the target language for the translation of “Little Red Riding Hood” was identified – English, since the first Chinese version of “Little Red Riding Hood” was translated from English, as the author indicates in the foreword. The folk-European motive of the fairy tale is present in Chinese culture and is offered at the level of other concepts, which designates that there is a strong linking between the language and culture of Europe and China. The concept of the capacity of cultural evidence is similar to a literary text. Its operative thoughtful requires decoding the culture of the source language. Having established the source information, the translator relies on the target language and its culture to translate, if not the translated text may be incomprehensible. There is still no agreement in the definition of the term “culture”. There are over two hundred similes of this term. Though, one can find the commonly accepted version put forward by Edward Burnett Tylor (1832–1917 “Primitive Civilization”): in a broad ethnographic sense, culture is a concept that comprises science, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and other global skills, acquired by man in a welfare state.

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intercultural communication, literary criticism, ideology, cultural strategies, nominal analysis

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