

  T. Hlushko


The article is representing socio-philosophical analysis for some elements of Weiqi (Go game) strategies and thirty-six ancient Chinese stratagems possible and actual impact on solving complex economic and political problems in the context of China’s historical experience and due to its contemporary geopolitical decisions. In particular, emphasis is placed on the connection between dynamic and effective development of Chinese state social institutions with the implementation of specific strategic approaches that allowed effectively transform models of Chinamen economic behavior over the past decades and contributed the rapid growth of capitals and increasing efficiency of business activity in China. Moreover, the article depicts some evidence that confirming, in author’s opinion, such characteristic of Chinese management model as application ideological principles of economic nationalism. Weiqi principles usage has been analyzed in the field of political and economic decisions, in particular: non-forceful methods for competitive struggle and maintenance balance between seizing control over territories and saving its strategic influence. Additionally, we analyzed partial availability of stratagems in the principles of Weiqi game and demonstrated some examples of particular stratagems application in economic policy of historical and modern China. In contrast to widespread metaphor of geopolitical “chessboard” we proposed alternative vision of global economic game through the prism of Weiqi board on which to play their global game modern Chinese communist party. It has been proved that these national Chinese game principles optimum synthesis with combinations of thirty-six stratagems significantly contributes development of creative economic thought. Therefore, it is essential for learning and cogitation in any country that oriented for protection its own economic interest and to organizing an effective economic policy at domestic and international levels. The fundamental difference between concepts “stratagem” and “strategy” are determined as well as its correlations are clarified. Within the scope of proposed article, it is also taken into account contemporary west philosophic discourse, including latest works that revealed meaningful measurements of strategematics considering the current events in Ukraine and worldwide.

How to Cite

Hlushko, T. (2023). WEIQI AND ANCIENT CHINESE STRATAGEMS AS INSTRUMENTS FOR ECONOMIC POLICY. Chinese Studies, (1), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.51198/chinesest2023.01.055
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China, Weiqi (Go game), 36 stratagems, competition, economic policy.


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