

  N. Kobzei


The study compares the work of representatives of Western and Eastern culture – Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Lu Xun during a difficult period of political, economic and spiritual cataclysms for the whole world. It has been established that despite their own uniqueness and originality, Ukrainian and Chinese literature developed under the influence of European literature, and in the work of almost every writer of the first half of the 20th century, it is easy to find reflections of the leading worldview currents of “philosophy of life” and psychoanalysis. It is no accident that the fate of a small person, oppressed by strict rules of conduct, lost its doom. Life instincts and pulsating “vital energy” gave a chance to overcome a deep aesthetic, cultural, moral and religious crisis. It was found that the authors’ experiments had a single goal – to reorganize and modernize their own national literatures, to bring them to a qualitatively new level of development, using all possible means for this. European freethinking and individualism contributed to this in the best possible way. The main common features of the artistic work of Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Lu Xun are highlighted: the focus on the transformation of outdated traditional forms and methods in literature, the involvement of new topics, problems, images and genres, social engagement, excessive publicism, the use of the modernist method of “stream of consciousness”, the use of self- the narrator, the use of simple vernacular language, sharp criticism of the social system, Nietzschean traces, the use of the image of a madman to denote a political opponent and dissident, etc. The historical-genetic and typological connections of the works of Ukrainian and Chinese authors, in which the spirit of European modernism is keenly felt, are proven. Attention is drawn to the fact that talented writers do not in any way copy European cultural influences. They interpret foreign trends in their own way, adapting them to the peculiarities of their own national literatures. Therefore, external artistic borrowings in no way harm their individual author’s style of writing, but, on the contrary, enrich and emphasize it. Moreover, comparing the creativity of bright representatives of different, at first glance, cultures allowed us to show that no political, ideological, geographical, religious, linguistic or even mental barriers are capable of stopping intellectual exchange within individual nations and entire cultures.

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Vynnychenko, Lu Xun, typological affinity, modernism, instincts of life, Chinese literature.

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