This article is dedicated to the importance and peculiarities of translating military terminology from Ukrainian to Chinese. Ukraine and China have several joint military projects that reflect the growing bilateral military relations between the countries. Some of these projects include the production of military equipment and weapons, humanitarian missions, joint military training, and the export of military products. And after the start of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it also became extremely important to correctly convey to the Chinese audience information about what is really happening in our country. Therefore, in connection with the above, military translation, and especially accurate translation of military terms, is extremely important for both sides. Translation of military terms is one of the most important links in military translation, and the accuracy of the translation directly affects the understanding of military texts. This article explores the principles of Chinese translation of Ukrainian military terms, discusses the ambiguity and synonymy of terms, literal translation and free translation of terms in Chinese translation, and summarizes some translation skills of Ukrainian military terms. The authors emphasize that accurate military translation can provide effective communication between military and civilian personnel from different countries and cultures, reducing the risks of mistakes and misunderstandings. The article also discusses the main problems that may arise in military translation, such as the lack of appropriate terminology and differences in cultural contexts. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of military translation from Ukrainian to Chinese, particularly in the context of developing bilateral military relations and cooperation between the countries. The authors stress the need for a detailed understanding not only of the language but also of cultural nuances to achieve successful military translation.
How to Cite
translation, terminology, military translation, military terminology, Chinese language, Ukrainian language, translation peculiarities.
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