

  L. Mitina


The article analyzes the concept of glocalization in Liu Cixin’s trilogy “Remembrance of the Earth’s Past”, which is the most famous work of the writer, who is considered the face of Chinese science fiction and is the winner of numerous national and international awards. The author creates a version of the future modern society, the key concepts of which are globalization, localization and, accordingly, glocalization, and unfolds this image in spacetime for billions of years and hundreds of light years. The current state of the concept of glocalization is considered and the multiplicity of definitions is established. Three dimensions of interpretation, four types, three levels and specific sublevels, as well as four models of glocalization are distinguished. The analysis of the trilogy in narrative, cosmological, artistic and figurative aspects was carried out according to the defined features of the concept. Three levels of glocalization are defined in the narrative structure of the trilogy: macrolevel (individual novel forms), meso-level (plot lines) and micro-level (system of images). The set of micro-level glocalities is formed by homogenizing and glocalizing artistic images: characters, things, concepts, events, etc. The plot lines of the meso-level ensure the interaction of different-level globalities and localities using a set of glocalities of the micro-level. Macro-level glocalization processes concentrate multiple lower-level glocalities around the titular issues of the trilogy novels. The cosmological aspects of the trilogy are considered within the limits of M-theory and the theory of the Multiverse. Five glocalization processes in the global model of the universe are singled out, and three processes of “super-bubble” glocalization of our universe are outlined. Among the artistic images of the trilogy, the following are highlighted: the character of Ye Wenjie, with whom three levels of globality are associated with outlined processes of glocalization; the object “sophon”, the process of its creation is defined as the globalization of the local, and glocal transformations are defined for the group of sophons; the concept of “black domain”, which is correlated with the processes of “glocalization as isolation” and “globalization of the local”. It is proved that in the aspect of glocalization, Liu Cixin’s trilogy appears as a composition of multi-level narrative structure, cosmological theories and artistic images against the background of plot versatility and the use of numerous scientific, technical and technological concepts with their free interpretation, which is extremely expanded in the space-time of our universe.

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glocalization, narrative, cosmology, artistic image, Liu Cixin

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