The aim of this article is to explore in detail the topic of the national identity in the prose of a famous Chinese writer Alai. By analyzing his story «Bees fly and spin», we consider how the writer reproduces and explores aspects of the culture, traditions and the inner world of the characters in the context of national self-identification through the Buddhist motives. In Alai’s case, literary works act as catalysts for national self-awareness and contribute to the establishment of national identity among readers. Attention is focused on the interaction of Tibetan literature with socio-cultural environment as well. The article examines cases when literary works act as a tool of resistance or expression of Tibetan national and cultural identity in conditions of external pressure. The article also describes how religious, sociocultural and historical aspects influence the formation of national identity in Alay’s stories, expanding the understanding of the relationship between literature and national identity. With the help of descriptive, historical and political analysis, the internal conflict of the characters, the religious subtext of the work and the evolution of the national idea in the context of the development of the state and the transformation of the cultural image of Tibetans are decoded. This study also takes into account the interaction between the motif of national identity and the current literary trend aimed at the study and embodiment of the cultural characteristics of the nation. Through this analysis, the article expands our understanding of how literature can influence the formation and preservation of national identity in the modern world, both regionally and globally. We also put forward a new perspective on the relationship between literature and the formation of national identity in Alai’s work; the said perspective deepens understanding and tests new approaches to the analysis of national and cultural dynamics in the modern literary context.
How to Cite
Tibetan literature, Buddhism, cultural aspect, Alai, national identity, selfidentification
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