

  M. Shamro

  T. Vechorynska


Taiwanese literature was defined by centuries of history and a unique cultural heritage. In the context of globalization and cultural diversity, Taiwanese literature is an important phenomenon that not only reflects aspects of Taiwanese society and identity, but also interacts with other literary traditions of the world. For a long time, Taiwan, its history, culture and, in particular, literature remained unknown and under-researched. Literature, which has gone a difficult path from ancient times to modern times, is an important part of Taiwan’s cultural heritage. The focus of this article is the systematic analysis and characterization of Taiwanese literature, its development stages, and the study of connections with Chinese and world literature. The research aims to identify key approaches that form Taiwanese literature discourse, determine its peculiarities, and also provide with a deeper insight into the role of Taiwanese literature as a cultural phenomenon in the context of world literature and global Chinese literature in particular. An important aspect of the article is the study of historical and cultural backgrounds of Taiwanese and Chinese literatures, which reveals the depth and complexity of the literary exchanges between these two vast cultural heritages. Taking into account the fact that Taiwan plays an important role in the regional and world context, the article outlines the place of Taiwanese literature in the world literary discourse, defines the key periods of its development. Special attention is paid to the emergence and evolution of new Taiwanese literature, and its significance in the context of global literary discourse. The article examines socio-political factors and cultural shifts that contributed to the development of this literary movement, and also clarifies its main genre, thematic, and stylistic features.

How to Cite

Shamro, M., & Vechorynska, T. (2024). SINOPHONE LITERATURE OF TAIWAN: GENESIS AND FORMATION. Chinese Studies, (1), 56-67.
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Chinese literature, sinophone literature, Taiwanese literature, authentic literature, nativization, new Taiwanese literature

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