In recent years, the Chinese green bond market has dynamic developed. China managed not only to create its own huge green bond market, but also to lay a solid foundation for its further expansion. The author analyzed the peculiarities of the Chinese policy on the national green bond market development. The article examines the internal institutional process of harmonizing Chinese standards with international practices, gives examples of policies and programs that contributed to the permanent growth of the market. Following China's announcement of commitments to peak greenhouse gas emissions and carbon neutrality by 2030 and 2060, China's position in advancing the greening agenda of the international financial system has grown significantly. Chinese green bonds standards are unified within the country, in line with international counterparts and take into account national environmental priorities. Confidence in the Chinese green bond market among investors has increased significantly. The author identifies factors that could influence the development of the Chinese green bond market. In the coming decades, China will significantly influence the development of the global green bond market. With this in mind, the article hypothesizes how China's experience can be valuable for Ukraine. The author characterized Ukrainian legislation and compared it with Chinese legislation. Gaps in Ukrainian regulation were identified, which hinder the exit of green bond issuers to the debt markets and the greening of the economy and the financial system as a whole. Based on the studied Chinese experience, the author has formed strategic directions that will contribute to the development of the Ukrainian green bond market and the attraction of investors.
How to Cite
China, green finance, green financial system, green taxonomy, green bonds, green bond standards, green projects.
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