

  А. Sitko

  І. Struk

  H. Yencheva


The article deals with the systematic multifaceted contrastive analysis of the English, Ukrainian and Chinese syntactic structure. It was found that the researches of the Chinese syntactic structure were quite different in comparison with those of English and Ukrainian. Moreover, the sentences of analyzed languages may reflect both allomorphic and isomorphic features. A comparative analysis of the structure in terms of their functioning in different languages is conducted. The research resorts to the following research methods: a continuous sampling method, methods of analysis and synthesis; a descriptive method and the distributive method. The article deals with the convergent and divergent features of syntactic structures of the Chinese, English and Ukrainian languages, as well as the comparative analysis of their grammatical characteristics. The Chinese, English and Ukrainian sentences have different structures. There are three types of sentences depending upon its structure or formation in Chinese and Ukrainian. There are four types of sentences in English. Convergent and divergent features of the Chinese, English and Ukrainian interrogative constructions including their structure and semantics are analyzed. The study demonstrates that interrogative sentences of the English, Chinese and Ukrainian languages differ both in structure, semantics, and communicative purpose. Also, the Chinese sentence words order is very different from Ukrainian and English. The paper features semantic parameters of subject-predicate sentence comparative structure of the Ukrainian, English and Chinese languages. There is evidence that semantic feature of an interrogative sentence efficiently and intuitively quantifies linguistic similarity between all analyzed languages. Particularly, the differences in actual division of the sentence depend, to a great extent, on perception of rhematic components of messages expressed by predicate of the statement respectively.

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contrastive analysis, syntactic constructions, allomorphic and isomorphic features, grammatical categories, interrogatives

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