The article examines the problem of perception of the concept of Dao within the Western philosophical tradition and the concept of Dao in the mass consciousness and imagination. Aspects of the philosophical content of the Dao concept in correlation with the Western philosophical tradition are analyzed. The correlation between the genesis of analytical philosophy in the twentieth century is considered and the Daoist philosophy. The potential of the concept of Dao as one that can generate meanings is also recorded within the framework of consideration by modern conceptualism. The convergence of intentions of development of western and eastern philosophical traditions in modern conditions in the context of globalization and blurring of interethnic borders in the semantic space of formation of grand narrative and discursive practices is fixed. The dialectical nature of the Dao concept is emphasized, which determines the universal nature of the Dao concept in mass culture and consciousness. The concept and the concept of Dao as structures operating in different spheres are distinguished. The concept of Dao as a model that can generate meanings within the crisis of traditional grand narratives is considered. It was found that the universalism of the concept of Dao makes it instrumentally suitable for existence as a memetic complex in mass culture and consciousness. It is emphasized that the transcultural concept of Dao can serve as a metaphysical justification for ethical systems and behavioral models. The assumption that the concept of Dao as a symbolic-mental construction instrumentally enables the transformation of metaphysical ideas into ethical ones, the transition from intelligible knowledge to direct life practices, to ethics and practical philosophy, is substantiated. This transition takes place in the individual and mass consciousness through the cognitive readjustment of perception of reality. The concept of Dao functions in mass culture and mass consciousness within discursive practices and numerous narratives both in communicative and verbal form and within the thesaurus of fiction, an array of scientific and popular literature, in the virtual information space of social and communicative platforms and databases. In the mass consciousness, the set of ideas associated with the concept of Dao can be transformed into a set of memes, which in the virtualization of communication and media space will play a derationalizing role in the picture of the human world and communities. The existence of the concept of Dao within mass culture is ambivalent.
How to Cite
Dao, concept, concept, metaphysics, meme, memetics, ethics, mass consciousness, collective imagination
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