

  N. Bilokopytova

  K. El Guessab


The specificity of modern society faces new challenges, which are accompanied by information wars, the erosion of cultural values, the crisis of national identities. These challenges can be met through the consolidation of efforts, through the search for non-classical approaches, through the search for a unifying idea. Based on the approach of J.-L. Nancy, we consider social existence as the interaction of various associations and as knowledge of the ontology of such communities. With the emergence of questions in the social philosophical circle of the categories of “coexistence” or “co-existence together” testified to the cardinal shifts in traditional metaphysical thought. Even in the works of M. Heidegger, the concept of “being” was equal to “co-being”, in terms of content equal to the “logos” of Heraclid. The essence of being was presented outside the categories of time and space. The study and understanding of the evolution of China’s ethnocultural contacts with the surrounding peoples was one of the main issues of the social sciences. The formulation of the main theoretical problems in developing the concept of China’s coexistence with Asia and the Arab world is becoming relevant now that China’s involvement in the Middle East is growing and the desire for greater economic integration of China with Asia and North Africa has grown. China creating a new concept of coexistence. Its presents of the philosophy of peaceful coexistence “One Belt, One Road”. All the richness of human culture cannot be simplified and unified within one geopolitical, economic and cultural paradigm, but learning to “coexist together” (according to J.-L. Nancy) will lead to awareness of the fragility of all human civilization and the uniqueness of its social cultural formations.

How to Cite

Bilokopytova, N., & El Guessab, K. (2021). CIVILIZATIONAL ASPECT OF COEXISTENCE: CHINA-ASIA-ARAB WORLD. Chinese Studies, (1), 173-183.
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coexistence, hay-centric concept of existence, Chinese Islam, Uighurs, Silk Road of the XXI century, concept of peaceful co-being

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