The article examines the linguistic situation in China, which is characterized by the interaction of the modern Chinese language Putonghua with many dialects. Each dialect has its own characteristics, but at the same time there are various interpenetrating connections between them. The variety of aspects, consistently connected in time, allowing a detailed study of society, makes it possible to trace its development during several centuries. In the course of the uneven process of socio-economic development of the Chinese ethnos and its subdivisions, specific features inevitably appeared in the economy and culture of certain groups of Chinese. Researchers have tried to distinguish between the public functions of the dialect and the different types of colloquial koine. Attempts to delimit the public functions of the dialect and different types of conversation koine are considered. This issue requires further study. Particular attention should be paid to the delimitation of the dialect in the narrow meaning of this word and the variety of the speech koine. The relevance of our research is predetermined by the interest of modern linguistics in the zones of interlinguaс interactions, the study of the existence of languages in conditions of linguistic contact. In this issue, the cultural aspect in linguistics is expressed bilaterally. The first is the study of the specifics of the interaction and mutual influence of two systems: language and culture. The second is the disclosure of the peculiarities of the mentality and worldview of a cultural community, objectified partly in the language. The study of this approach, its impact on the further development of the theory of linguistic personality allows us to integrate disparate results into the mainstream of a single linguistic paradigm. This helps to determine the nature and effectiveness of interethnic relations according to the frequency and depth of contacts, the degree of equality of rights, number of relationships of interacting communities; the degree of linguistic, psychological and religious differences. Analytical and descriptive methods, method of comparative and systems analysis were used in the study.
How to Cite
local dialects, Putonghua, cultural aspect, koine, language contact
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