The article analyzes the factors that influenced the style of an extraordinary German-language writer of Chinese descent, and later identified the issues and themes of her works. The study of the modern Chinese German-language literature at the beginning of the 21th century has not yet been the subject of research by Ukrainian orientalists. One of the outstanding representatives of German Transnational literature of the 21th century is the writer of Chinese descent Luo Lingyuan. Despite a relatively small amount of works written in the German language, she has made a significant contribution to the development of literary and artistic life in Germany. Her collection of stories “Du fliegst jetzt für meinen Sohn aus dem fünften Stock!” was awarded by the Adelbert-von-Chamisso-Prize in 2007. The private lives of young people in China, as the main theme in this collection of short stories, have not been discussed before. Even a word to denote the intimate sphere (the author uses the German word “Intimsphäre”) does not exist in Chinese. The brutal realism of these stories is more convincing than any political manifesto. Although the author does not position herself as a political writer, Luo Lingyuan reveals violence and arbitrariness in the HighTech slum of large Chinese cities, the cynicism, with which the initiative of individuals is suppressed and silenced. The paper highlights the social and cultural framework of the literary work by the writer of Chinese descent and its contribution to German literature. The connection of the writings with the national and European literary traditions, as well as the uniqueness of these works are revealed. The writer’s novels “The Chinese Orchid” (2019), “The Girl, the Cook and the Dragon” (2013), “How a Chinese Woman Get Pregnant” (2009), “The Stars of Shenzhen” (2008), “The Chinese Delegation” (2007) tell us about the diverse and controversial China, about the Chinese, who, like the Germans, are distinct and different. Luo Lingyuan positions herself as both a Chinese-German and a German-Chinese writer of the 21st century.
How to Cite
transnational literature, transnational culture of memory
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