

  O. Turmys


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the process of borrowing from English into Mandarin Chinese. The emergence of new words as a natural linguistic phenomenon plays an essential role in the development of any language. The article studies the problem of functioning of English loanwords in Mandarin Chinese as a result of the widespread English influence in the context of globalisation process. The author analyzes theoretical approaches of researchers to the problem of linguistic borrowing, as a whole and English loanwords in the Mandarin Chinese language in particular. According to the fact, that any language is a system that cannot be isolated from changes and depicts the historical development of its nation’s culture, the author tried to observe the process of such transformations within the main historical periods of the Mandarin Chinese language. This article discusses the reasons for the global borrowing of English vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese, highlights the most commonly used categories of English loanwords in Mandarin Chinese, analyzes the peculiarities of this process (linguistic and psychological). Despite of the fact of historically conditioned Mandarin Chinese culture isolation and the previous restrictions of the Mandarin Chinese authorities at the legislative level, which observed the “purity” of their native language, named as “linguistic purism”, objective language laws continue to live their own life. Thus, all attempts to avoid the process of borrowing or even cleanse the language of existing loanwords, eventually lead just to increasing of the number of English loanwords in the Mandarin Chinese language in a variety of areas. According to a general trend, the problem of English borrowing becomes more relevant due to the growing pace of globalization, which entails not only social changes in the life of Mandarin Chinese society, but also changes in Mandarin Chinese language.

How to Cite

Turmys, O. (2021). ENGLISH BORROWINGS IN CHINESE: FEATURES OF FUNCTIONING. Chinese Studies, (1), 229-241. https://doi.org/10.51198/chinesest2021.01.229
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borrowing, loanwords, Mandarin Chinese, English, Anglicisms, globalization

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