

  O. Dalte


At the end of XIX century, Chinese language started to loan lettered words in order to keep up with recent scientific researches. Current paper aims to track the appearance and spread of such lexical units, as well as investigate their usage in modern Internet slang and mass media. Apart from systematization of the current knowledge on the topic, the author conducts an in depth analysis of 482 articles published by The People’s Daily that appeared during one week from May 11, 2020 to May 17, 2020, retrieved from its official website. According to the results, lettered words are present in 21 % of all publications. In addition, it comes out that lettered words are quite popular in such rubrics as technology, economy, advertisement, education, science and sport. Apart from that, the research has found and analyzed 77 unique lettered words, 17 of which appeared to be used in more than two independent articles. Furthermore, the paper provides numerous examples for translation and localization of the most common lettered words into English and Ukrainian languages. And last but not least, it pays a particular attention to the lexical units of modern Internet slang, which is extremely flexible and easily adopts new trends in lettered words.

How to Cite

Dalte, O. (2021). LETTERED WORDS IN MODERN CHINESE LANGUAGE: PECULIARITIES AND PREVALENCE RATE. Chinese Studies, (1), 89-98. Retrieved from https://chinese-studies.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/68
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lettered words, Internet slang, mass media, People’s Daily, loanwords, Chinese language

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