

  Wenliang Zhou

  D. Khvostenko


Since the beginning of the XXI century, the world economy has entered a new stage of development. Global integration has become a more prominent feature of modern world economic development. More and more multinational companies are entering the world market as a new strategic development goal. In an era of growing globalization, multinational companies must adopt different marketing strategies for successful operation. Since the establishment of the first joint venture with Chinese and foreign capital in 1979, China’s FDI policy has undergone many changes. Despite the great results, the use of FDI was not uniform. China’s internationalization strategy can be divided into three stages. The first stage is to attract FDI through political dividends and resource benefits. Attracting investment has become one of the priorities of the Chinese government at all levels. At this stage, the emphasis was on FDI volumes. The second stage is characterized by increasing pressure on natural resources, the environment as a result of economic development and society in China, the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing. The government gives priority to the structure of FDI to adapt to sustainable economic and social development. This stage is characterized by accounting for the quantity and quality of FDI. The third stage is the gradual increase in the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the market with the growth of China’s economic influence on the world economy. Their international business strategy is deeply researched by us. First of all, based on global economic integration, internationalization and development of these industries, scientific research, scientific goals and research significance of this work are put forward. At the same time, describes the history of development and success of Huawei, Lenovo, Hisense. Then, in the framework of marketing theory, market segmentation theory and the theory of strategic alliances, the paper analyzes how the three companies use these theories in practice. Advantages and disadvantages, as well as making suggestions to improve the performance of other companies, can be used in international marketing.

How to Cite

Zhou, W., & Khvostenko, D. (2021). FOREIGN MARKETING STRATEGIES OF CHINESE COMPANIES. Chinese Studies, (2), 83-92.
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economy, multinational companies, marketing, development, internalization

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