For Authors



The scientific journal “Chinese Studies” no. 3, 2024, accepts articles written in Ukrainian, English, and Chinese (simplified and traditional)*.

*Citizens of Ukraine are free to submit their manuscripts only in Ukrainian or English. Citizens of other countries are free to submit their manuscripts written in any abovementioned language. 

Students' articles are accepted for consideration provided that the student is studing for a master's degree and must be co-authored with a supervisor.


Journal sections

  • History, philosophy and science of China
  • Political and socio-economic development of China
  • Chinese language and literature
  • Translations of Chinese literature
  • China and its neighbors
  • Chronicle

The “Chronicle” section includes reviews of scientific events which have taken place both in our country and abroad. Articles can be submitted by researchers, as well as graduate students and applicants. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously. The editors inform the author about the acceptance of materials or about the refusal to publish. The editors do not always share the position of the authors.

When reprinting, a reference to “Chinese Studies” is required.

Procedure for submitting materials

To publish an article in no. 3, 2024, you have to follow through with these steps before 31 June , 2024:

Academic integrity

The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company

The publication of materials is FREE*

An author delegates the rights to the journal “Chinese studies”:

- to publish an article in Ukrainian (English) and distribute its printed copy;
- to translate an article in English (if needed) and distribute its printed copy;
- to distribute the article’s electronic version via any electronic means (publishing on the journal’s official website, electronic databases, repositories, etc.).

The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website after September 30, 2024.

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800.

Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it after October 30, 2024.


Requirements for article execution

A manuscript has to be submitted as a MS Word document with *.rtf or *.doc. extension (font Times New Roman 14, line spacing - 1.5). Margins: top - 2.5 cm, bottom - 2.5 cm, left - 2.5 cm, right - 1.5 cm. Pages are not numbered. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously. The volume of the article should be 16-20 pages, and the volume of the main text should be at least 20,000 characters.

An article has to meet the following format:

Section 1. UDC, a title, full name of the author (co-authors) (transliteration), scientific degree, academic rank, affiliation, address of the organization, e-mail of all the authors or one author, abstract (270-300 words), keywords (5-7 words) in English.

Section 2. The title, full name of the author (co-authors), abstract (270-300 words), keywords (5-7 words) in Ukrainian.

Section 3. Full text of the article in source language.

Section 4. Literature with Cyrillic references.

Section 5. Transliterated list of literature (References).

Sample of article execution:

UDC 94(510): 329.15(510)

The ideology of the Chinese Communist Party in the period of the reforms and opening-up: the problem of definition and research methodology

V. Kiktenko
Dr. Habil. in Philosophy, Senior Fellow
A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4, Hrushevskoho str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

The article studies the problem of definition and methods of studying the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party in the post-Maoist period… (обсяг анотації 270-300 слів).
Keywords: ideology, Marxism-Leninism, Three Represents (5-7 слів)

Ідеологія Комуністичної партії Китаю в період політики реформ і відкритості: проблема визначення та методологія досліджень

В. О. Кіктенко
У статті досліджуються проблема визначення та методи вивчення ідеології Комуністичної партії Китаю в постмаоїстський період … (обсяг анотації 270-300 слів).
Ключові слова: ідеологія, марксизм-ленінізм, “три представництва” (5-7 слів)

Ідеологія Комуністичної партії Китаю та різні контексти її розвитку постійно перебувають у центрі уваги істориків, політологів, філософів, лінгвістів, китаєзнавців, хоча найчастіше об’єктом дослідження є не сама ідеологія, а суміжні питання, що стосуються історії та сучасного розвитку Китайської Народної Республіки [Michalak-Pikulska 2002, 66] …


Кіктенко В.О. «Китайська мрія» як теорія нового етапу модернізації КНР. Східний світ. 2015. № 3. С. 106–114.
Brown K. The Communist Party of China and Ideology. China: An International Journal. 2012. Vol. 10. № 2. P. 52–68


Kiktenko V. O. (2015), “ ‘Kytays’ka mriya’ yak teoriya novoho etapu modernizatsiyi KNR”, Skhidnyy svit, No. 3, pp. 106–14. (In Ukrainian).
Brown K. (2012), “The Communist Party of China and Ideology”, China: An International Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 52–68.

Стаття надійшла до редакції дд.мм.рік


Format for reviews or chronicle section

Section 1. UDC, a title, full name of the author (co-authors) (transliteration), scientific degree, academic rank, affiliation, organization address, e-mail of all the authors or one author, abstract (100 words), keywords (5-7 words) in English.

Section 2. Title, the full name of the author (co-authors), the full text of a review or chronicle in the source language.

Section 3. Literature with Cyrillic citations or References (if the text has citations).

The editors kindly request to reduce a title (if possible) to 250 characters, including white spaces.


Requirements for literature and references

All graphic files should be given separately from the text in the relevant format, such as *.jpg.

References are indicated in the square brackets within the text, as follows: the author’s last name, year of publication (no comma before it) and, if necessary, pages, i.e. [Michalak-Pikulska 2002, 66]. Initials are provided after the last name only if the article refers to several authors with the same surname. If two or more works are referred to, they are presented in chronological order, separated by semicolons. If a reference is a collective monograph, encyclopedia, dictionary, etc., the incipit of the title is provided: [Manzil ... 2013]. Text references are at the end of the article.

The list of cited literature ordered alphabetically is given at the end of the article under the title LITERATURE. When drawing up the list of references, you should comply with the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of composition”. The titles of the cited works are drawn up as follows

Кіктенко В.О. «Китайська мрія» як теорія нового етапу модернізації КНР. Східний світ. 2015. № 3. С. 106–114.

Brown K. The Communist Party of China and Ideology. China: An International Journal. 2012. Vol. 10. № 2. P. 52–68.


Rules for executing references

References are listed individually, doubling the list of literature rendered in a source language according to the requirements of the SAC of Ukraine regardless of the availability of foreign sources. If the literature list doesn’t have non-Latin reference, the author provides one list - References.

The editorial office recommends the following alternate of the structure of bibliographic citations in References (for references in Cyrillic and Oriental languages):

full name of the authors (transliteration);

article’s title (transliteration)

source (transliteration);

output data with English indication of city, volume, issues, pages (publisher is transliterated). You should mark a source language at the end, e.g. (In Ukrainian).



Transliteration meets the standards BGN/PCGN (1965). Transliteration of Ukrainian sources from the list of literature is made using Insert Cyrillic, etc. text in the box and click “Convert”, then copy the transliterated text.

In order to transliterate the text from another language, see: (you can find the information about the transliteration from a particular language meeting BGN/PCGN) and search for the relevant converter and text translator for rendering one language into Cyrillic meeting BGN/PCGN.

References in our journal are executed following Harvard Style (BSI – British Standards Institution).

Materials from the following web-site are used:

The list is alphabetical.


References arrangement

The list of references is arranged alphabetically by author’s name. If there is more than one reference in the list of the same author, they should be arranged in chronological order of publication. If the author has more than one publication in the list in one year, it is necessary to use 2000a, 2000b, etc.:

  • two authors, separated by “and” and without commas;
  • several authors are separated by commas, but the last surname must be connected with “and” without a comma.


Richardson A. (1988)
Richardson A. (1989a)
Richardson A. (1989b)
Richardson A. and Brown B. (1988)
Richardson A. and Smith S. (1986)
Richardson A., Brown B. and Smith S. (1983)
Ingram T. N., Schwepker C. H. and Hutson D. (1992)
Ingram T. N., Laforge R. W., Schwepker C. H. Jr, Avila R. A. and Williams M. R. (1997)

Citation of different types of sources:

  • Books

Abbott A. (1988), System of Professions : An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Patton M. Q. (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed., Sage, Newbury Park, CA.

  • Chapter from a book with an editor

Bourdieu P. (1977), "The forms of capital", in Richardson, JG (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, NY, pp. 311-56.

  • Translated works

Bourdieu P. (1977), Outline of a Theory of Practice, translated by Nice, R., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • Journal articles

Baron R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator - mediator variable distinction in social psychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, pp. 1173-82.

  • Electronic sources

Sources that exist only in electronic form, not sources that are available both in electronic ad printed article from Emeraldjournal is available online.

Better Business Bureau (2001), "Third - party assurance boosts online purchasing", available at : (accessed 7 January 2002).

Hummingbird (2002), Hummingbird corporate website, available at : (accessed 2 January 2002).

Ballantyne D. (2000), "Dialogue and knowledge generation : two sides of the same coin in relationship marketing", paper presented at the 2nd WWW Conference on Relationship Marketing, November 1999 - February 2000, Monash University and MCB University Press, available at :

  • Reference to an electronic journal

Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka - White E. and Rao B. P. (1999), "Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange", Journal of Computer - Mediated Communication, Vol. 5 No. 2, available at:

  • Conference materials

Lodi E., Veseley M. and Vigen J. (2000), "Link managers for grey literature", New Frontiers in Grey Literature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, DC, October 4-5, 1999, GreyNet, Amsterdam, pp. 116-34.

Naude P. and Holland C. (1998), "Marketing in the information domain", in Halinen - Kaila A. and Nummela N. (Eds), Interaction, Relationships and Networks : Visions for the Future, Proceedings of the 14th Annual IMP Conference, pp. 245-62.

Fundamental rules:

If there is more than one source of the same author in the list, they are sorted by date.

The title of a book or journal is always highlighted in italics.

Citations of publications, i. e. chapters from books, journal articles, are always given in quotation marks, starting with the first word.

The name of the publisher comes before the place of publication (as it would be in an address). Reductions of US states are written in capital letters.

Electronic sources are executed the same way as printed analogues, followed by “available at” and URL. URL should keep “http://”, if the address doesn’t include www. In addition, you have to mention the access date (accessed ...).

Use comma to separate elements.

Transcription of Chinese words and proper names in Ukrainian


*It applies only to a publication and does not provide a free printed copy.