Peer review and editorial ethics

Peer review and editorial ethics

The editorial board of the research collected papers “Chinese studies” in its work is guided by the international ethical rules of scientific publications, which include the notion of decency, confidentiality, oversight of publications and prevention of possible conflicts of interest, etc.

In turn, the editorial staff follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics and, in particular, the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit of Elsevier Publishing, as well as the experience of authoritative international publishing houses. Compliance with the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants in the publishing process promotes the rights of authors to intellectual property, improving the quality of the publication and preventing the possibility of improper use of authors’ materials in the interests of individuals.

Review procedure

The review procedure passes all articles submitted to the editorial board; it is focused on the most objective assessment of the content of the scientific article, determining its compliance with the requirements of the journal and provides a comprehensive analysis of its advantages and disadvantages.

The review is conducted confidentially on the principles of double “blind” review (when neither the author nor the reviewer knows about each other). The interaction between the author and the reviewer (reviewers) is through the editor-in-chief of the journal.

Academic papers are anonymously reviewed by members of the editorial board of the journal and invitees, including from other countries, who have deep professional knowledge and experience in a particular scientific field.

If the reviewer recommends correcting or refining the paper, the editor sends the anonymous review text to the author to make the relevant changes. The date of receipt of the paper to the journal is the day when the editorial office of the final version of the text of the paper is received.

Responsibilities of reviewers

Any selected reviewer who does not have the appropriate qualifications for reviewing the study or who knows that his urgent review is not feasible must inform the editor and refuse the review process.

Reviewers will express their point of view, reinforcing it with appropriate arguments. Reviewers should identify relevant published works that were not named by the authors. Any statement, observation, conclusion or argument that has already been made should be accompanied by relevant references. The reviewer should also draw the attention of the editors to any significant similarity between the manuscript reviewed and any other published work in this area.

Reviewers are obliged not to consider manuscripts for which they have a conflict of interest as a result of competitive or other relationships and relationships with any of the authors or institutions associated with the submitted research.

Obligations of the editorial board

The final decision on the publication of the paper and its terms is taken by the editorial board (based on the conclusions of the reviewer (reviewers)), which the editor informs the editorial staff of the journal.

The editorial board reserves the right to editorially correct the paper (to correct terminological, stylistic, factual and other mistakes, to remove unnecessary illustrations, to shorten the text) that does not distort its content.

Rejected papers are not reviewed again.

The editorial board evaluates the manuscripts according to their intellectual content, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.

The editorial board does not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts to anyone other than authors, reviewers, potential reviewers. The editorial board emphasizes that the information or ideas received as a result of an expert evaluation will remain confidential and will not be used for personal gain.

Responsibilities of the authors

The authors must ensure that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language. If the authors used the work and / or the words of others, the corresponding references were made.

The authors of the original research should provide an accurate report on the work performed, as well as characterize its significance. The text of the study should contain sufficiently detailed information and references. Fraudulent or deliberately inaccurate statements are unethical behavior and are unacceptable. The author should not generally publish a text that essentially describes one and the same research in more than one journal. Submission of a manuscript to more than one journal is at the same time an unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Appropriate recognition of the work of others should always be present in the submitted for consideration of scientific work. The authors should mention and refer to the publications that influenced their research.

The authors should also take into account the following: the editorial board exercises strict control over excessive (no more than 2 or 3 references) and unjustified citation of their own publications, in case of detection of such phenomena, such publications will not be accepted for publication.

The authorship should be limited to those who made a significant contribution to the concept, performance or interpretation of the submitted research. All those who have made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors. Existing copyright laws and conventions should be respected.

Responsibility for infringement of copyright and non-compliance with existing standards in the materials of the article rests with the author of the article. Responsibility for the validity of the conclusions and recommendations made and the scientific and practical level of the articles are the responsibility of the author and the reviewer.

Authors are allowed to place their final PDF files provided by the “The World of the Orient” on their personal or institutional websites and, if necessary, transfer these files to the archives.

The provisions on the ethics of scientific publications were approved
at the meeting of the editorial board of “The World of the Orient” journal
on April 20, 2017.

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