

  V. Kiktenko


The article investigates the origin of the philosophy of science and technology in China in 1920–1949 under the influence of logical positivism, the existence of this branch in 1949–1987 in the form of Marxist dialectics of nature and further development on the basis of the synthesis of ideas of classical Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy. The general value of Jin Yuelin’s and Hong Qian’s works for the formation of the philosophy of science in China is revealed. It is noted that in the PRC the philosophy of science, the philosophy of technology and the philosophy of nature originally existed under the name of “dialectic of nature”, but today it is a “philosophy of science and technology”, which has substantive differences from the original direction in Western science. Philosophy of science and technology in China went beyond Marxist philosophy, since it assimilated the methodology of Western philosophy of science, sociology of science, history of science, science of science, economics, political science, gender studies and other disciplines. There are presented the main directions of philosophy of science and technology in China: 1) analysis of the concepts of historicism, post-realism, realism, anti-realism, scientific rationality; 2) the study of the development of specific scientific areas – the philosophy of social sciences, the philosophy of physics, the philosophy of biology; 3) work in the field of cognitive science and related linguistic philosophy, philosophy of consciousness and cognitive psychology.

How to Cite

Kiktenko, V. (2021). THE REVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA. Chinese Studies, (1-2), 12-21. Retrieved from
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science, technology, philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, philosophy of science and technology, dialectics of nature, China

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