

  I. Hryshchenko

  O. Ivanovska


The article considers the investigation of motive “Catching of the Moon” in Chinese and Ukrainian folk fairy tales about animals. The object of research is Chinese folk fairy tale “How Monkeys took the Moon out of the well” and Ukrainian folk fairy tale “How Fox showed the wolf the butter”. The purpose of this paper is to find motive “Catching of the Moon” in fairy tales, find out what is common and what is different in the texts, compare the common and different in Chinese and Ukrainian folk tales about animals with this motive, outline the perspectives for further research on the plots of fairy tales with the motive of “Catching of the Moon”. It is of importance to note that common in Chinese and Ukrainian folklore are preserved texts of fairy tales about animals. These texts belong to ancient folklore heritage. The indicate that the destruction of the sacred value has led to a loss of a fairy tale of magical function as part of the rite. Therefore, it contributed to the governance and development of an entertaining component. It must be stressed that in Chinese fairy tale tradition, there are relatively few stories about animals (according to research, about 30). In Ukrainian fairy tale tradition, there are much more (over 210 units). In this connection particular importance should be attached to aspect that Chinese fairy tale has an instructive and didactic character with features of entertainment, but Ukrainian fairy tale belongs to the Trickster fairy tales. Research demonstrates the influence of later historical and cultural epochs in fairy tale texts. It is of importance to note that Chinese folk fairy tale “How Monkeys took the Moon out of the well” has the same plot with the text of a folk fairy tale, which was recorded in Kazan province in the late 19th century. We assume that there is no text with this plot among Ukrainian fairy tales. This opens new perspectives for research in this direction. To summarize, both fairy tales Chinese “How Monkeys took the Moon out of the well” and Ukrainian “How Fox showed the wolf the butter” have a similar motive for “Catching of the Moon”, but the texts are based on different traditional fairy folk plots.

How to Cite

Hryshchenko, I., & Ivanovska, O. (2022). MOTIVE “CATCHING OF THE MOON” IN CHINESE AND UKRAINIAN FOLK FAIRY TALES ABOUT ANIMALS. Chinese Studies, (1), 22-32.
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Chinese fairy folk tale, Ukrainian fairy folk tale, fairy tale about animal, motive, plot

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