Today’s globalized world requires translation services in many areas of human life. The translation of normative and technical documentation is no exception, as technical translation services are in great demand. Spheres of construction, office work, business involve translators to translate normative and technical documents. In the field of Chinese and Ukrainian languages, this translation is an integral part of the activities of Chinese companies, which are expanding the boundaries of their activities and doing business in Ukraine. In this case, Chinese company needs to operate according to the laws and regulations of Ukraine. The translation of normative and technical documentation is designed to overcome problems and misunderstandings and establish good relationship between the two countries. It is obvious that the translation based on equivalence and adequacy requires knowledge of the syntax of the Chinese and Ukrainian languages. At the same time, such translation has to consider the syntactic aspects of normative and technical documentation. Therefore, the translation of normative and technical documentation will be carried out according to the rules of syntax and logic. The importance of syntax in the field of Chinese grammar has been emphasized by Chinese linguists Li Jinxi and Gao Mingkai. This article focuses on the translation of normative and technical documentation from Ukrainian into Chinese. Chinese linguist Ma Qinghua conducted research in the field of syntactic transformations, which are described in his work “Practical Translation Course”. The work studies peculiarities of English-Chinese translation and syntactic transformations applied. To our knowledge there are no other findings of Ukrainian or foreign linguists who have thoroughly researched the peculiarities of the syntactic constructions in Ukrainian- Chinese technical translation. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the use of syntactic transformations in translation from the Ukrainian language. The paper provides detailed explanations, justifications, and examples of the following transformations: order change, division of the sentence with punctuation, word-to-sentence transformation, sentence combination, sentence reduction, state change, and antonymous translation.
How to Cite
Ukrainian-Chinese translation, syntactic transformations, syntax, grammar, technical translation, normative and technical documentation
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