

  I. Hryshchenko

  L. Kopanitsya


The article considers the comparative study of Chinese and Ukrainian folk fairy tales with plot 1696 = АА1696А (ATU 1696). Novelty and innovative of the research differ in the absence of investigation of plot about fools in Chinese and Ukrainian Household tales in Contemporary Folklore Studies. The text of Chinese Household tale “Foolish husband” and Ukrainian Household tales from the collection from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century with this plot were used to investigate. Chinese and Ukrainian Household tales began to print and began to investigate much later than fairy tales and animal fables. Among Household tales stand out a particular group of text with characters who are extraordinary fools. They commit most inconsequent and awkward things. Household tales about fools are international phenomenon. It must be stressed in the texts of Chinese and Ukrainian Household tales under study the fool has a number of unusual adventures. It is of importance to note a fool of Household tale sees the world differently. He has his own “logic”, the actions of this fool demonstrate a mismatch of cognitions. Lack of knowledge, rules and customs of society, illogical and inconsistent actions of Household tale`s fool led to the fact that he is beaten by other characters. Analysis of the plot episodes of these tales shows that each episode can be a separate anecdote. In the studied texts they “slip” one by one in “logical” order and lead to the necessary by the nature of this genre finale. Folk fairy tales are of scientific value for comparative research, provide rich empirical materials, shows the large degree of similarity in the folklore heritage of different communities. This open up new perspectives for comparative investigations. 

How to Cite

Hryshchenko, I., & Kopanitsya, L. (2022). FOLKLORE VERSION OF PLOT 1696 IN CHINESE AND UKRAINIAN FOLK HOUSEHOLD TALE. Chinese Studies, (3), 74-83.
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Chinese fairy folk tale, Ukrainian fairy folk tale, Household tale, satirical tale, plot, fool

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