

  Ye. Hobova


The emergence of nationalist narratives in China since the early 20th century has taken place against the backdrop of significant historical events that have ultimately shaped the modern PRC in its current form. Some narratives have not lost their pervasiveness and relevance over this time, although they have undergone some revision and rethinking along with the historical events that served as their background and source. The paper examines how key events such as the Xinhai Revolution, the Chinese Civil War, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, and subsequent socio-political developments have shaped and changed the nationalist discourse in the country. This historical context serves as a fundamental element in the construction of a narrative of national renaissance, in which China positions itself not only as having overcome past humiliations, but also as having restored its historical status as a great world power. This narrative of historical redemption influences China's foreign policy, in particular, the assertion of territorial claims in regions such as the South China Sea, Taiwan, and Tibet. The concept of Xi Jinping's «Chinese Dream» is examined in terms of its role in shaping both domestic social discourse and changes in the country's foreign policy. This narrative of national renaissance goes beyond the economic and political spheres to encompass the cultural revitalisation and holistic rebirth of the Chinese nation. The realisation of the Chinese dream is manifested, in particular, in the Belt and Road Initiative and affects China's interaction with international organisations. The article also examines such contemporary phenomena as cybernationalism, which demonstrates how the digital age has transformed the landscape of nationalist expression. The narrative of victimhood and resistance is another important aspect that contributes to a sense of national pride and unity. The article explores how this narrative influences China's approach to perceiving external threats and its response to criticism, especially in the field of human rights, demonstrating the impact of nationalist sentiment on diplomatic decision-making.

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People's Republic of China, nationalism, Communist Party of China, narratives

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