The paper investigates form and content peculiarities of Chinese drama in the texts of the Yuan period (XIII-XIV centuries). The author of this research focuses on the specifics of the text constructing in the literary pieces “The Western Wing” by Wang Shi-fu and “The soul of Qian-Nui parting the body, outwitting house spirits” by Chzheng Gaun_Tszu. Furthermore the study defines the functions of a prologue (setszi), as well as the peculiarities of modeling monologues and dialogues. It is noticed that in the Yuan drama there are the first indications of the social standardization of the protagonists’ speech practice. The structure of the protagonists’ speech parts necessarily includes an introductory monologue, the function of which is to draw the attention of the audience to the main character of the play. In addition, there is an accompanying monologue, which consists of short lines and it is performed by the main character during the aria performance. The third type of monologue is the “monologue with actor’s back to the stalls”. It is designed to point to the remarks to the side. The Yuan drama is characterized by a clear division of actors into certain psychotypes, which uncovers certain traits of character, the stream of thoughts, actions and deeds for good or evil. The play “The Western Wing” by Wang Shi-fu perfectly reveals the course of the emotional states of protagonists. The form of the Yuan drama allows showing the peculiarities of developing protagonists’ feelings. This play colorfully presents images of monks whose behavior does not fit to the traditional canons of life and behavior of Chinese monks. The monks appear slightly primitive to the spectator, and the playwright emphasizes that they do not always follow the consuetudinary of the monastery, as well as neglect fasts. This is the way how the author exposes all the downsides of the life of monasteries of those times. The structure of the play “The Western Wing” by Wang Shi-fu is remarkable, as it consists of five plays, containing twenty acts each. This complicated construction of the play significantly helps to reveal the character peculiarities of protagonists. Wang Shi-fu also very skillfully exposed all the disadvantages in the Chinese feudal society. The playwright moves away from the canonical format of constructing a work of drama, making the play “The Western Wing” truly innovative.
How to Cite
Yuan drama, poetics, literary modeling, architectonics, actor
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