The given article deals with the problem of the fucnctional and semantic features of the aspectual marker of realization 了in the Modern Chinese Language. Research of semantic, grammatical and functional features of the marker 了is one of the central problems in study of the functional-semantic category of aspectuality in modern Chinese. The functionalsemantic category of aspectuality in the Chinese language includes different means to represent the internal temporal structure of a certain situation. Grammatical category of aspect is central in the structure of the functional-semantic category of aspectuality, category of aspect is based on the dichotomy of two sub-categories: perfective aspect and imperfective aspect. The category of realization, that is expressed by morphological marker 了is a part of perfective aspects/ Semantic invariant of the category of realization include holisticity, telicity, dynamicity and realization. At the same time, the functions of the marker 了is determined by its interaction with different types of predicates, such as statives, activities, achievements and accomplishments. Statives represent the situation, that involves no changes in the period of its existence, so in the interaction of 了and the stative predicates, the semantic of inchoativity is realized/ Predicates of activity are durative homogeneous processes, that exclude the final point. The aspectual marker 了interact with this type of predicates and its function in such utterances is the expression of teminativity, termination of the situation, and also expresses the fact that the situation took place, was realized. Achievements and accomplishments include the final point of situation in their semantic. Accomplishments implies the final point of situation as the result of preliminary process; temporal features of the achievements do not include preliminary process, this type of predicates is punctual. In their interaction with marker 了the function of completivity is realized, i.e. the certain situation reached its final point and the result was implemented. Therefore, we can conclude, that the function of the aspectual marker 了is determined by the interaction of its features and temporal features of the predicate.
How to Cite
aspectuality, perfectivity, realization, types of predicates, inchoativity, terminativity, completivity
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