The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes of stylistic codification of the poetic text, which were started by the outstanding theoretical essay on versification “Mao shi xu” (“毛诗 序”, literally “Preface to the poems of Mao”). Methodologically important for the research is the consideration of the structure of “Mao shi xu” and the analysis of the concepts of stylistic codification, the manifestation of the authentic system of stylistic means of the poetic text, as well as consideration of the forms of the poetic text from the first collection of poems “Shih Jing”. The study of the processes of stylistic codification in the theoretical essay on versification “Mao shi xu” involves a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental concepts of stylistic codification, consideration of the direction of development of the concepts of stylistic codification in the considered above. The synchronic format of the article makes it possible to concretize the fact that the successful introduction of stylistic codification depended on the one hand, on the traditions of the theory of literature, and on the other hand, depended on the already established ideological, educational, ethical and aesthetic aspects. The combination of these two directions in one philological theoretical essay on versification “Mao shi xu” and the beginning of the trend for the future functioning of the stylistic phenomenon of poetic text, contributed to the formation of linguistic norms and culture of speech ancient and modern China. It is proved that the forms of poetic text (folk songs, odes, hymns) recorded in the essay continued the processes of forming stylistic norms as a separate branch of philology of ancient China, and also clearly demonstrated how the existing ideologically educational tradition influences the choice of text forms and stylistic means, as well as affective characteristics of a poetic text, which is a significant achievement for the formation of the classical style of the Chinese language, as well as literary research traditions.
How to Cite
text forms, classification, stylistics, codification, language standardization
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