

  T. Reheshuk

  T. Vechorynska


The issue of the national and civilizational identity of the population is gaining special relevance in terms of the current geopolitical situation in the world. There is an intensification of the interaction processes between representatives of different countries and peoples, and therefore different cultures. It increases the interest of scientists in a wide range of problems devoted to the study of people’s perception of “the self” and “the other”, the representation of the country’s image in the cultural consciousness and literary discourse of other countries. Recently, many researchers have been studying the peculiarities of the perception of the image of Ukraine by other countries. Scientists pay special attention to the formation of the image of Ukraine in the works of artists not only in the West but also in the East, particularly in China. And although there is almost no research in Ukrainian literary studies devoted to the speech portrait of the image of Ukraine in Chinese poetry, it should be noted that in the China, interest in our country became especially relevant after the start of a full-scale war. Currently, more and more Chinese writers are turning to the image of Ukraine in their writings, trying to understand and discover our country. In particular, at the end of March 2022, the famous Chinese poet, director, and documentarian Deng Kangyan (邓康延) wrote a cycle of poems, dedicated to Ukraine and its heroic people. It is very valuable for understanding the attitude of Chinese people toward the war in Ukraine. Deng Kangyan, on behalf of the Chinese intelligentsia, expresses support for our country in its fight for freedom and independence. Not surprisingly it is believed that Chinese literature is mainly represented by politically engaged texts that perform not literary, but propaganda function. We believe that with our research we have disproved this myth and state that modern Chinese poetry resonates with our worldview and that gives hope for the rapprochement of our cultures and worlds in the near future.

How to Cite

Reheshuk, T., & Vechorynska, T. (2023). REPRESENTATION OF THE IMAGE OF UKRAINE IN DENG KANGYAN’S POETRY. Chinese Studies, (1), 93-103.
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Chinese literature, poetry, Deng Kangyan, imagology, Ukraine, China.

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