LU JI. «WEN FU» (陆机. «文賦»)



  I. Kostanda


The translation of the work of Lu Ji «Wen Fu» (陆机 «文賦»), written during the Western Jin dynasty (西晋), is important for modern Ukrainian Chinese studies, as it helps to reveal key aspects of the development of Chinese literature and language, and also indicates on the importance of the cultural context in the formation of stylistic norms. Translations of such works contribute to a deeper understanding of the literary heritage and philological processes that took place in China. The relevance of «Wen Fu» is due to several aspects. The text of the work demonstrates the continuity in the Chinese philological tradition and the relationship between the works that influenced it in the field of stylistics, thus reflecting the processes of development of stylistic phenomena. The work illustrates the influence of metaphysical ideas and traditional worldview on stylistic codification, which makes it relevant for studying the interaction of cultural and philosophical aspects with literary creativity. Acquaintance with the text of the work contributes to the formation of an idea about the traditional forms of the text and the language norm, which is important for understanding the Chinese literary heritage. Since the views on literature, before and after the reign of the Western Jin dynasty, were significantly different, the analysis of the text «Wen Fu» will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of the literary process in China and philology as a separate branch of it. The translation of «Wen Fu» is thus an important link in the study of the literary processes of Ancient China. The appearance of «Wen Fu» was marked by the selection of stylistics and literary criticism in a separate direction of the Chinese philological tradition; the formation of the characteristics of functional styles was carried out under the conditions of significant influence of metaphysical ideas about the actual process of creativity and creation of the text expressed by the author; Lu Ji also noted the importance of observing stylistic traditions and preserving the formal stylistic characteristics of a literary text. The detailed analysis of methods and concepts of stylistic codification proposed in «Wen Fu» can become an important tool for further research into the phenomena of Chinese stylistic codification and its influence on the formation of linguistic norms and language culture in China.

How to Cite

Kostanda, I. (2024). LU JI. «WEN FU» (陆机. «文賦»). Chinese Studies, (1), 80-86.
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Lu Ji, «Wen Fu», wenyan, ancient Chinese literature, literary criticism, literary studies, stylistics